An unweighted call is a call that you do not want to affect your data or be seen on a report.
The default filter for all Patient Prism users is to show you only Weighted calls on reports:
Weighted: A weighted call affects reports/data when using the default Weighted = Yes filter.
Unweighted: These types of calls do not affect reports and data (when being filtered out).
They are unweighted due to the lead not being a qualifying patient for the practice.
For example, the call could be unweighted if the service is unavailable.
You can either unweight a call manually or create a trigger to unweight a call based on certain conditions.
By modifying the review of a call and updating the Weighted field from Yes to No:
How to Update Fields in a Call
Automatically unweight:
A trigger can be created that will unweight the call based on certain conditions you set in the trigger:
Unweight Calls Based on Set Conditions