Users have the ability to track their calls by combining the previous methods.
When combining methods, you must be careful that you route the calls to the correct destination.
A tracking phone number being analyzed by Patient Prism should never have the chance to be routed to a Patient Prism number a second time.
If Patient Prism records a call, and then that same call instance is sent through another Patient Prism number, there will be two instances of the same call within the Patient Prism system.
This means that if a patient calls a tracking number, then gets routed through another number, and then does not book an appointment, this same "Not Booked call" will result in two "Not Booked calls" in our system since it was recorded twice.
The most important thing to remember is that if you are having Patient Prism record calls when your main number is dialed (either all inbound calls or a phone tree option), you cannot send a marketing number to the main number.
Doing these could result in duplicate calls.
Next, we will discuss how to configure numbers if you would like to Record All Inbound Calls From Your Main Number + Marketing Mumbers or Record using a Phone Company Created Phone Tree + marketing Number tracking.