One of the best ways to track calls is for a Patient Prism tracking number to be the “New patient option” in your phone tree (also called IVR, auto-attendant, or Virtual Receptionist) that is within the office’s phone company’s system.
When the phone tree is configured with our number in it, and a patient calls your main number and selects the “I will be a new patient” option, Patient Prism will start recording the call and will send it to a number that allows the call to take place.
Below are the instructions to create/edit a phone tree to include our number as the new patient option:
- If you do not have a phone tree with a greeting message telling the caller what option to press, please record a greeting and upload it to the phone system.
- The phone company will need to configure a 10-digit number to the call group or extension that you would like the new patient calls to be answered.
- Create a Call Plan in Patient Prism that will forward to that 10-digit number.
- Create a tracking phone number in Patient Prism attached to that new Call Plan.
- The Patient Prism tracking number will then need to be the forwarding destination for the new patient option key press in the phone system Phone Tree.
- The other option(s) will go straight to the call group and stay in the phone company’s system.
- Attach the greeting message that gives new patients their own option to click.
After this is done, when a patient calls your main number and selects the “new patient” option, they will be sent through our system so the call can be analyzed.
Our number will then send the caller back to your office via the 10-digit number the phone company provided.
The goal is to have the new patients end up at the desired call group or extension and have them enter our system so we can record the call.