The Patient Prism systems allows you to export certain reports as well as scheduling exports to send out at certain times.
**Some reports are not currently available to be scheduled as an export.
For this example, we are going to export the Enterprise Insights table to the Performance Report.
First, go to the Performance Report and scroll down under the pie graphs to find the Enterprise Insights table.
1. Click the Export button
2. You will now see two options:
Export Now: This will immediately initiate the export process.
Schedule Export: This will allow you to provide details to initial an export that will occur during the selected frequency.
Export Now
A box similar to the one below will appear, and you can give the export a name and select a file format:
When you click Export, the export will start processing, and you can click View Export to download it once it is done:
Schedule Export
A box similar to the one below will appear:
This is where you will fill in details so that your custom schedule export will contain the data you want.
You can select:
- how far back the export should contain
- what the time of day you will receive the export
- how often you will receive the export and the interval
- the filters that will apply to the export (remove Locations if you always want to receive data for all locations)
You will see an option for Email Attachment on the right side of the box.
This would be used if you want this export to be sent via email on the selected schedule.
**Please note that enabling this feature may involve handling sensitive information subject to HIPAA or other privacy regulations.
The export will be sent to the email address of the user who scheduled the export (please ensure the email address is verified for this to work properly):