Summary Tab (Address / Timezone / Business Schedule)
By clicking the Edit button, you can edit the name of the location, the timezone, the Business Schedule associated with the location, and the location's address:
Procedures in Patient Prism are the associated opportunity names and values we apply to calls within our system. We apply these procedures to calls when the patient states they are calling for an associated procedure. So if they call in for a cleaning, we will apply the "Basic Cleaning" procedure and value.
If you would like to add, remove, or edit a procedure, you can do so.
Adding a new one will allow our system to tag the call with that procedure if the patient mentions it.
Removing/Deleting would make it so we would no longer add the procedure. You should remove a procedure if you don't offer that service.
Editing the procedure will allow you to assign a new value if our standard cost associated is not to your liking.
Any users selected to receive Location Insights will be emailed a Daily Insight report at 8 pm (according to the timezone under their user profile) that will show data for that day for that location.
If a user is added to multiple location level insights they will receive one email showing the data per location.
You can see all users associated with the location that you are viewing.
You can then add or remove users to this location from this tab.