User groups are a great tool to filter reports and make triggers for a group of users at once, instead of having to select each individual user at a time.
User groups can be created in two different ways:
- on the user level, so only the user who created the group can access and filter by it
- on the company level, so everyone in the company access the group and use it to filter
User Level Created User Groups
1. Enter your profile by clicking your name and then My Profile on the top right of the page
2. Click User Groups and then +Create
3. Give the group a name, description and select the company for the users that you would like to add to a group
4. You have now created a User Group that only you can access and use
Company Level Created User Groups
1. Enter your company settings page by going to Manage-->Company and then click the company
2. Click User Groups and then +Create
3. Give the group a name, add a description and select the users you would like to be in the group
4. You have now created a User Group that everyone in the company can access and use
How to filter reports using User Groups
1. Click on the Filter button
2. Click +Add Row and select Agent
3. Click the User Groups tab and select a User Group (either user or company level)